Infallibility (4): The Foundation of Our Faith


          As we look at the summation of this topic, it will be helpful for us to leave with practical wisdom from Scripture. How does infallibility affect my life? How does it change my Christianity? A look at a few Scriptures will bring unmistakable clarity to those questions.             Firstly, infallibility means Scripture cannot be broken, […]

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Inerrancy (2): Why It Is Necessary


            The theologian who denies inerrancy is faced with certain foundational problems that he cannot wish away. He has to be inconsistent in how he interprets Scripture, he has to form a conviction about errors in the Bible apart from the Bible itself, and he has to nullify the true weight and authority of Scripture.             The liberal theologian would often […]

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The Inerrancy and Infallibility of Scripture (1)


            Through the centuries men and women of God have both devoted and sacrificed their lives for the sake of a book they deemed worthy. This book, of course, is the Bible. They did not see a book from man, nor a book corrupted by man: they saw words from God. In that this book embodied God’s words, it was […]

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Foundations of Good Theology


            Every good theological position – every well-formulated doctrine – begins on a solid foundation. Imagine a scientist proposing a new theory without any knowledge of scientific formulas. Imagine a single trying to give marriage counseling. Imagine a grammarian writing a dictionary without training in linguistics. What is wrong with these pictures? In each of them, there is an inadequate […]

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Our Only Hope: A Sufficient Scripture and Supreme Saviour


We are faced with two options for a wake up call from God: revival or persecution. Both cause God’s people to take their Christianity more seriously. Though they take different forms, the resolve necessary is basically the same when facing either: to hold Scripture as sufficient and Christ as supreme. It is a high view of God and a radical […]

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